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Barbara Schneider, PhD, MBA

Executive Director, Biostatistical Services, Advarra

Barbara Schneider is Executive Director of Biostatistical Services at Advarra. She heads Advarra’s independent data monitoring committee and endpoint adjudication services, which provide trusted safety oversight for hundreds of clinical trials around the world. Prior to acquisition by Advarra in 2021, Schneider was the founder and CEO of Watermark Research Partners. Watermark was the first company to provide independent data safety monitoring board services and endpoint adjudication to the clinical trial industry.

Barbara Schneider

Latest Posts by Barbara


The Value of Continuity: Program-level Data Safety Monitoring Boards

Using a single Data Safety Monitoring Board for an entire therapeutic program ensures continuity and offers cost savings and efficiency gains.

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Understanding FDA’s 2024 Draft Guidance on DMCs

Find out about the FDA current views regarding DMCs and the 2024 draft guidance’s implications for clinical trial sponsors.

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What Goes into a Charter for DSMB or Endpoint Adjudication?

This blog outlines the key elements of a DMC/EAC charter document, explaining its importance in conducting safe and compliant research.

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James Riddle and Barbara Schneider Delve into the Different Players Involved in Reviewing Clinical Research

In this podcast episode, we discuss the different clinical research oversight committees and functions to ensure the safety of participants.

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