True Site-sponsor Collaboration, Not Another Investigator Portal
Your sites are our trusted partners. Around 50,000 site staff log into Advarra applications every month. Meet sites where they are, in a solution that fits their existing workflows. Expand visibility to critical milestones, including institutional review board (IRB), while giving sites choice.
Erin Williams, SVP of Study Startup with Velocity Clinical Research speaks to leveraging Advarra services and technology to improve startup timelines and collaboration with sponsors.
Trusted Study Startup Solution, Proven Results
Connecting 225,000 users across 89 countries and counting.
In a phase II multi-cohort study, sponsors using Advarra SSU eliminated 300 emails per day previously needed to exchange documents with sites
In a phase III study across 28 sites, the sponsor achieved total enrollment seven months earlier than targeted
In a phase III study across 28 sites, sites using Advarra SSU achieved 98% training compliance over 648 site staff across four years
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