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Business Best Practices for Research Sites

Upcoming: August 15

Explore key process and technology focus areas for sites looking to improve their business strategies.

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Key Efficiencies Driven by a Clinical Trial Management System

Find out how sites can get the most value from their clinical trial management system (CTMS) to streamline operations.

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Beginner’s Guide to Clinical Trial Management Systems

A clinical trial management system (CTMS) can bring powerful efficiencies, insights, and compliance to sites' day-to-day operations.

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Driving Site Efficiency and Visibility Using a CTMS

As clinical trials grow more complex, this eBook reviews how a CTMS may help your organization address challenges as you conduct research.

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Video: Clinical Conductor CTMS

Clinical Conductor CTMS centralizes management of startup, recruiting, operations, compliance, finances, and reporting

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Decentralized Recruiting, Enrollment, and Participant Engagement with a CTMS

Watch our webinar highlighting a CTMS' capabilities to streamline research, facilitate compliance, and enhance the participant experience.

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Case Study

Ascension Healthcare Recovers $100K in Unbilled Payments

Learn how Ascension successfully uncovered, billed, and recovered more than $100,000 in unbilled payments with the Clinical Conductor CTMS.

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4 Questions to Ask CTMS Vendors

Here are four questions to ask during the selection process to offer more insight into your future success with the selected vendor.

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Case Study

Durham Nephrology Associates Enhances Reporting and Patient Experience Using CCPay

Learn how Durham Nephrology Associates implemented Advarra CCPay to enhance their clinical trial staff and patient payment process experience.

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Case Study

New Horizons Realizes 50% Savings in Recruitment Promotion

Download the case study to learn about New Horizon's success and savings in recruitment promotion using the Clinical Conductor CTMS.

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3 Must-Haves to Deploy Remote Clinical Trials

Ensure your organization has the tools to both efficiently and compliantly implement remote modalities to best reap the benefits of DCT

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4 Key Integrations for Your Clinical Trial Management System

Integrating your clinical trial management system enterprise-wide poses many benefits. Learn how your team can further streamline operations.

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