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Business Best Practices for Research Sites

Upcoming: August 15

Explore key process and technology focus areas for sites looking to improve their business strategies.

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Case Study

University of Nebraska Medical Center Streamlines Regulatory Management and Accelerates Study Startup with Advarra eReg

Learn how Advarra eReg helps UNMC support remote monitoring and how eReg helped address prevalent challenges in clinical research.

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White Paper

The Rise of the Clinical Research Network: Using Technology to Connect Sites and Sponsors

An integrated approach to the clinical research industry’s technology landscape can improve access and diversity, save time, and better serve patients

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Improving Site-Sponsor Relationships: Proactive Strategies for Transparent Clinical Trials 

This eBook outlines how clinical research sites and sponsors can effectively work together to improve their relationship.

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Top Clinical Research Metrics for 5 Critical Questions

Tracking your research program's operational performance has many benefits. View this infographic for metrics to answer key questions.

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4 Questions to Ask When Evaluating Your Research ROI

Return on investment (ROI) is a critical metric for clinical research leadership. Read more for questions to ask as you evaluate your ROI.

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Encouraging Site Centricity and Collaboration at Onsemble

At the 2021 Fall Onsemble Conference, attendees learned about putting site centricity and collaboration at the helm of research operations.

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Leveraging Data to Lead and Manage the Research Mission: Data-Driven Decision Making at all Levels of the Organization

This webinar discusses how an organization uses data at all levels to lead and drive the research enterprise and day-to-day operations.

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Ensuring a Successful and Collaborative SDLC Process

Find out how Advarra's approach to the SDLC lifecycle leads to successful collaborations among sites and sponsors.

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Case Study

Ascension Healthcare Recovers $100K in Unbilled Payments

Learn how Ascension successfully uncovered, billed, and recovered more than $100,000 in unbilled payments with the Clinical Conductor CTMS.

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4 Questions to Ask CTMS Vendors

Here are four questions to ask during the selection process to offer more insight into your future success with the selected vendor.

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Case Study

New Horizons Realizes 50% Savings in Recruitment Promotion

Download the case study to learn about New Horizon's success and savings in recruitment promotion using the Clinical Conductor CTMS.

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