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Integration Update: Leading Compliance Adherence

The Advarra team is proud to announce that all major integration activities are now complete.

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An Introduction to Human Gene Transfer Research and Institutional Biosafety Committees (IBCs)

Daniel Eisenman discusses the basics of research involving genetic engineering and the role played by the IBC in ensuring research is conducted safely and responsibly.

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Integration Update: Recent Milestones Completed

The Advarra team has worked to fully integrate our processes and policies to provide clients with unified capabilities and support for IRB, IBC and global research quality and compliance consulting services.

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Integration Update: Expanded FAQ for Advarra Merger Efforts

The following FAQ expands upon previous FAQs we’ve published and provides additional insight into the integration process.

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Clinical Research Acronyms and Abbreviations You Should Know

New to clinical research? Learn the meaning of common industry acronyms and abbreviations including eCRF, IIT, PI, TMF, and more.

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Integration Update: Revised FAQ for Advarra Merger Efforts

Since November 2017, the Advarra team (formerly Chesapeake IRB and Schulman IRB) has been working to integrate our process and policies. We are committed to being transparent throughout this integration, so we've assembled the following FAQ to keep you updated.

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Schulman IRB and Chesapeake IRB Merger and Integration: What You Need to Know

Chesapeake IRB and Schulman IRB are merging under the new organizational name, Advarra. This FAQ addresses commonly asked questions about this merger.

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IRB-Connect Video

IRB-Connect allows seamless access for your data from Advarra's Center for IRB Intelligence (CIRBI) Platform to your eTMF.

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Planning Gene Therapy Research? Plan for IBC Review

The completion of the human genome project and advances in genetic engineering have paved the way for clinical trials involving human gene transfer

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Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Services

Ensure safe gene therapy research & efficient study startup with responsive institutional biosafety committee review & support services.

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Sites & Institutions

Advarra offers comprehensive services designed to streamline your study activation and research productivity.

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