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James Riddle, MCSE, CIP, CPIA, CRQM

SVP, Global Review Services, Advarra

With 25+ years’ experience providing support to the clinical research community, James Riddle helps sponsors, CROs, and research sites advance clinical research with a mission to improve human health. His expertise includes developing and operationalizing processes for maximum efficiency, client satisfaction, and participant protection; development and implementation of technology solutions; and efficient, compliant operation of large clinical research review programs. Prior to Advarra, Riddle held leadership roles at two major central IRBs and served as a senior leader within the research oversight office at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. He is also a member of CTTI, NWABR, SASI, and PRIM&R.

James Riddle

Latest Posts by James


Not if, but When: A Study Manager’s Guide to Adaptability and Incoming Trends

Dive into achieving critical milestones across study startup, conduct, and close out that every project manager should optimize.

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The Value of Continuity: Program-level Data Safety Monitoring Boards

Using a single Data Safety Monitoring Board for an entire therapeutic program ensures continuity and offers cost savings and efficiency gains.

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Understanding FDA’s 2024 Draft Guidance on DMCs

Find out about the FDA current views regarding DMCs and the 2024 draft guidance’s implications for clinical trial sponsors.

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What is a Data Monitoring Committee?

In a complex clinical trial, data monitoring committees oversee interim data to ensure adequate safety monitoring.

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Multiple Dynamic Endpoints and the Role of Endpoint Adjudication Committees in Clinical Trials

Trial designs incorporating multiple endpoints to support efficacy are receiving increased focus from the FDA, including a recently published guidance.

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Privacy Regulations Impact on Global Clinical Trial Endpoint Adjudication

Endpoint adjudication committees must keep up with rapidly developing requirements as they receive potentially identifiable research data.

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Unpacking IRB Innovations for Decentralized Clinical Trials

Ethical oversight committees continue to innovate to keep pace with the rapid changes and evolution of research conduct.

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What Goes into a Charter for DSMB or Endpoint Adjudication?

This blog outlines the key elements of a DMC/EAC charter document, explaining its importance in conducting safe and compliant research.

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Clinical Endpoint Adjudication Committees: Not Just for “Endpoints”

This blog outlines critical events where EACs are used to look at more than just “endpoints” in clinical research.

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A Look at the Processes Behind Clinical Endpoint and Event Adjudication

Take a closer look at how and why we leverage proprietary, custom, and intelligent technology in our EAC program

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Why Device, Diagnostic, and Digital Therapeutic Research Needs Endpoint Adjudication

This blog outlines when a device clinical trial sponsor should engage an EAC or CEC to provide specific medical expertise & safety oversight.

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DMC vs EAC: What’s the Difference?

This blog outlines the requirements for each committee, what it does, and the critical roles each plays in keeping research participants safe.

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