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Good Manufacturing Practices: When Do They Apply?

Ensure product quality and compliance in the drug development process. Learn how to optimize your manufacturing processes and maintain key regulatory standards with cGMP best practices from experts.

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Understanding FDA’s Draft Guidance on Ethical Considerations for Involving Children in Clinical Trials

Until the 1980s, children were excluded from research studies. Now, FDA provides draft guidance on ethically including kids in trials.

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Making a Case for Interim HRPP Staffing

Don't wait to fill an HRPP position until it's too late. Understand the risks of an understaffed HRPP and how interim staffing support can help. Read more:

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The Future of Phase I Oncology Studies

Oncology drugs in phase I trials are usually conducted on patients with cancer due to their inherent risk. Advarra IRB member Ran Goldman expands:

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Meeting the Challenges of Investigator-Initiated Trials

How does investigator-initiated research differ from other types of clinical research? Advarra IRB Chairperson Robert Romanchuk explains.

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The Challenge of Unproven Regenerative Stem Cell Therapies

Stem cell clinics with unproven treatments are on the rise in the US. Learn how the FDA is working to bring new stem cell therapies under federal oversight.

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