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The Challenge of Unproven Regenerative Stem Cell Therapies

Stem cell clinics with unproven treatments are on the rise in the US. Learn how the FDA is working to bring new stem cell therapies under federal oversight.

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Survey Best Practices for Process Improvement

Learn best practices of survey creation to help measure process improvement among stakeholders at an organization.

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Can Ethics Review Catch Up to the CBD Craze?

CBD, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, is experiencing a massive surge in popularity, but clinical research lags behind in verifying effective uses.

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Quorum/Kinetiq Acquisition & Integration:
What You Need to Know

On March 5, 2019, Advarra announced its acquisition of Quorum Review IRB and Kinetiq, the research and technology consulting division of Quorum.

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After the Compliance Date: Revised Common Rule FAQs (Or: Why We Cancelled Our February Webinar)

We have cancelled our webinar “After the Compliance Date: Revised Common Rule FAQs,” which was originally scheduled for February 28.

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Informed Consent Changes in the Revised Common Rule

If your research must comply with the revised Common Rule, you’ll need to update the way you write ICFs to meet the new requirements.

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Do I Need to Comply With the Revised Common Rule?

While many US researchers are aware of the coming Common Rule changes, not everyone is sure whether they will need to comply with the revised regulations.

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Infection Control and Biosafety in Gene Therapy Research

Given the growth in gene therapy research, sponsors, CROs and sites have become increasingly curious about the requirements to be able to conduct such studies.

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Integration Update: Leading Compliance Adherence

The Advarra team is proud to announce that all major integration activities are now complete.

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What’s the Difference Between Right to Try and Expanded Access?

Let’s take a look at the basics of what each program does and does not do for patients seeking to access investigational therapies.

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Integration Update: Recent Milestones Completed

The Advarra team has worked to fully integrate our processes and policies to provide clients with unified capabilities and support for IRB, IBC and global research quality and compliance consulting services.

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Integration Update: Expanded FAQ for Advarra Merger Efforts

The following FAQ expands upon previous FAQs we’ve published and provides additional insight into the integration process.

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